Tribal Council Refuses To Hear Same-Sex Marriage Resolution Again


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BPR News


Supporters say they will keep showing up until the tribal council for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians hears their call to recognize same-sex marriage. Just like last month, tribal council members voted for a second time not to read a resolution that would change the Cherokee code to recognize same-sex marriage. But at Thursday's meeting, almost 20 Eastern Band members turned out to show their support for the measure. They included Big Cove resident Tamara Thompson, who submitted the resolution. She spoke first after the council voted 7-5 against it. "The culture against LGBTQ people is hurtful, it's physically hurtful. I'm Cherokee. If you read my shirt it says, 'We are family,'" said Thompson. Tribal Council member Chelsea Saunooke voted for the resolution. She shared that she has known since 2 nd grade that she is a member of the LGBTQ community. "And I even told my granny about everything and she says, "I love you no matter what. Only you know your heart. And I said, 'Yes. I