Trophy Hunting EXPOSED: the truth behind this sick industry, the cruelty it inflicts, the impact on endangered wildlife, & the industry's lies laid bare. September 3, 2018


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News & Politics

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of animals have been killed by trophy hunters in the past decade.In this special episode, we expose the terrible suffering caused by this so-called "sport", how endangered animals are being pushed to the brink, & the loopholes in international law that let the hunters get away with murder. We reveal how thousands of lions are currently on "death row" in a chain of canned hunting "concentration camps", and how lion cubs are being stolen from their mothers to meet demand for cut-price trophy hunting. And we shine a spotlight on the shocking awards given to hunters who are slaughtering some of the world's most endangered animals. Presenter: Eduardo Goncalves @greenfuturenews Also visit www.bantrophyhunting,com today and support our campaign!