Turning Bones to Water


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Belgariad & Beyond


Magician’s Gambit, Chapter 21 Garion meets Silk’s Nadrak “friend” Yarblek and is amazed by the way Aunt Pol behaves when Yarblek asks to buy her. Relg gets a cold and thinks he’s dying. Silk freaks out and flees when he hears the King of the Murgos is on his way. But, too late! Brill has finally captured his man. Sondra is drawing more mystical creatures with layer and layers of colour, and they’re talking to her! She needs to remember that she’s an EFT, Reiki and Meditation therapist and get back to being her own client. Alysia is cleaning out the glug, body, mind and spirit. Anybody else here getting up at 4:45 to meditate for an hour?! She’s being all inspirational and expanded – just totally gorgeous, basically. They’re both wondering what it looks like to level up in their author careers. Stick around for "Prophecy Speaks", the segment of the show where  real magic is on display and you are invited to join in. Share your own  piece of prophecy with the secret episode #hashtag. Books we used for prophecy this week: - The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde - ‘Salem’s Lot, Stephen King Head over to the website for the extended show notes. + Website belgariadandbeyond.goddesskindled.com + Facebook + Instagram @belgariadandbeyond + Voice Message anchor.fm/belgariadandbeyond + Email belgariadandbeyond@gmail.com Support us! ♥ Patreon patreon.com/belgariadandbeyond ♥ Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Theme music © 2018 Bone Deep Sound Productions This podcast is a Goddess Kindled Universe production © 2021 All rights reserved --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/belgariadandbeyond/message