Ep 31: Types of Negative People (Think Like a Monk)


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In life, as they say, there will be always good times and bad times too. A positive person always thinks ‘this too shall pass’ and ‘tomorrow is another day.’ But a negative person has a completely different response to it

Whether it's the people who are always on the edge of anger or someone who always keeps complaining, we all have negative personalities in our lives hacking away our time and energy. It's so difficult at times that we just want to stay away from these people.

But what If I told you that negativity is everywhere and there's no running away from it (at least not permanently) but if you're able to recognize different types of negative people who you encounter and also a few tips on how you can effectively deal with them then it will become a little bit easier. 

In this episode, I've provided the summary of different types of negative people from the book "Think like a monk" along with my own commentary and day to day examples. Please follow and share