Uncovered Episode 14, Andrea Gibbs


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In the latest episode of TVC22's podcast, "Uncovered", join host Bruce de la Cruz, and 3rd generation beekeepers Russell and Andrea Gibbs, as they talk about the importance of bees, beekeeping during quarantine, and how by supporting your local beekeepers you are not only helping the local economy and environment, you are also making a healthier choice. Russell and Andrea own Gibbs honey, a beekeeping business that began as a few colonies in 1925 that Russell’s grandfather owned, to now 450 colonies. They ensure the quality of the honey every step of the way, as everything is done on the premises of their family farm. Swarming is when a bee colony splits in half, and the new half leaves to create a new home elsewhere. Russell explains that swarming in of itself is a good thing, and has methods to keep the new hive on his property. But with people taking up beekeeping during the covid-19 pandemic without the proper knowledge, a swarm can take up residence in a residential home. Calling a local beekeeper is the better way to go, as Russell says that they will be able to re-home the colony properly, and no harm will come to the bees. Further, Andrea explains that rehoming a swarm outside of a populated area isn’t just about protecting humans, but also about protecting the bees themselves. Bees will have a better chance of surviving the winter and mites that plague colonies if they are taken in right away rather than being left on their own. Andrea says that this is another reason why beekeepers are needed, to keep the bees safe from outside dangers. Having both quit their jobs to become full-time beekeepers, Russell and Andrea moved to Vankleek hill last year to a larger farm, which they hope to one day turn into an agro-tourism business as well. When asked if he felt a connection to his ancestors whenever he was beekeeping, Russell explains that he does, and that it’s hard not to also feel connected to nature as you’re always working outside. Growing up in Toronto, Andrea always made time for activities that would get her out of the house and working with animals, like horseback riding. She was first introduced to beekeeping when she began dating Russell, and has since become passionate about what she does. The pair explain the benefits of local honey, comparing it to wine, having local flavours from local flowers. This in turn has benefits for people with pollen allergies, and also boosts your immunity.