Unifying Science in Design with Navneet Nair


Listens: 155

Avantika Designeering Series


A good design depends not only on the art and craft but also on the science behind a product, and that is why a design team must consist of people from various domains. A good design team can help the members grow and adapt to the constant changes in user needs. It also helps to provide clarity about user diversity to make the user experience more inclusive. But simultaneously, building a solid and sound design team that functions seamlessly can be a challenging task. So how can designers build functional design teams and create inclusive experiences?

To know more about this theme, in this episode, we interact with Navneet Nair, Director of Product Design at PhonePe. With over two decades of experience as a design leader, he holds expertise in user experience design, interaction design, user interface design, and product design. Let's know more about his journey and experiences in the latest episode of the "Avantika Designeering Series Podcast,” “Unifying Science in Design.” You can connect with Navneet on Twitter @navneetdesigns. Don't forget to subscribe to our show and share your comments on ads@avantika.edu.in