Virginia Highland Church (VHC) - Online worship - Third Sunday of Advent - Gaudete Sunday- 12.12.20


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Virginia-Highland Church Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

Sermon Series: Emmanuel:  God With UsMessage:  Singing Justice into ExistenceThe Joy of  Emmanuel, God-With-Us, does not come as naïve optimism. Joy cannot be commanded or imposed from on high. The Joy of God-With-Us exists side by side with mourning; it knows that pain and death are real, but do not have the final word. This joy comes from paying attention to what matters. The Joy of God-With-Us is collective, liberating us from despair.We are an anti-racist, affirming, and progressive community of faith in Atlanta. No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!At this church: Black Lives Matter; Womyn’s rights are human rights; Children are seen and heard; No human is illegal or erased; Love is love; Science is a gift from God People of all abilities, faiths (and no faith) are our siblings!www.vhchurch.orgVENMO @VHCHURCHSupport the show (