Visit of Janez Lenarčič, European Commissoner, to Niger: joint press conference with Denisa-Elena Ionete, Head of the delegation of the EU to Niger


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Press conferences

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On 23 February 2022, Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, travelled to Niger in order to assess humanitarian needs in the country as it faces a deteriorating security situation as well as an unprecedented food and nutrition crisis due to impacts of climate change. During his visit, Janez Lenarčič announced an initial €43 million in EU humanitarian aid in Niger for 2022.This new EU humanitarian aid is to be targeted at areas and regions affected by the conflict, epidemics, widespread food shortages and high rates of child undernutrition. The primary focus of EU humanitarian funding is on addressing basic needs, including food, shelter, health, nutrition, access to safe water, and education for children in the context of humanitarian crises.This video shows the joint press conference given by Janez Lenarčič together with Denisa-Elena Ionete, Head of the delegation of the EU to Niger, in Niamey, Niger, to take stock of his working visit to the country and announce the significant increase in the EU budget intended to deal with the various humanitarian challenges Niger is facing.