Vitality: Building a Healthy, Energetic Personality


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Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness

Health & Fitness

Listen to episode 517 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Vitality: Building a Healthy, Energetic Personality. Edited and adapted from Be Good to Yourself by Orison Swett Marden, published in 1910.

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Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is nothing which pays greater dividends than self-investment; keeping yourself up to standard by buttressing your health in every possible way and using the utmost care and exactitude in regimen, in work habits, and in life habits.

In order to be well-balanced, self-poised, and broad-minded, one must have a great variety of experience. And for this, play is just as necessary as work. The person who is everlastingly working, who never gets time to play, to see their friends, to travel, or to go into the country, because they think time is too precious, that they must utilize every minute in practical work, is defeating the very purpose which they are trying to attain.

There must be spontaneity, buoyancy, elasticity, and vivacity in your activities. And everyone who wishes to get the maximum of achievement out of life should know all Nature’s methods of rejuvenation.