Vol. 3 Ep. 9 Martin Luther's Afflictions and Death


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An Oral History of the Church

Religion & Spirituality

"Somebody, can you tell me just what make a man feel this way? Like river without its water, like night without a day. And it sure 'nuff got cold after the rain fell, Not from the sky but from my eye." The ninth episode in our volume on the Lutheran wing of the Reformation focuses on the dark side of Martin Luther. We discuss his character flaws, the afflictions he experienced, and tell the story of his death. In other words, what does a more complete picture of Luther look like? What did he struggle with in his lifetime in his bodily health, mental health, and spiritual life? And how did this giant of the Reformation pass away? Next time, we try to wrap up this volume with a discussion of the legacy Martin Luther left behind. It may or may not end up long enough to be two episodes, so stay tuned! **Don't miss our special episode of Saints Gone Before releasing on Monday, October 30th with a full reading of Luther's 95 Theses in honor of their 500th anniversary.** #Reformation500 An Oral History of the Church is co-hosted by Jonathan McCormick and Adam Christman. It is edited and produced by Adam Christman.