We need to get out there and protest this govt.


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Cross the Rubicon


Share, share, share this podcast. This govt knows full well that the people of New Zealand are completely apathetic and care less about politics. This is this govt's greatest gift. They can do anything and the people believe what the state funded media tell them because they can't be bothered questioning it. Instead the same people really do believe there's a white supremacist problem in NZ because that's what they're told, so it must be true. The people of New Zealand had better stop just talking about it to like minds and actually get out there in the streets and tell this govt what they think. If we don't do this then Jacinda will get another term. I want to get out there in the street, but I can't do this by myself. I need people to stand next to me when we shout our disagreement of this unrepresentative govt of this country.