What are the Common Supraventricular (Top-Chamber) Tachycardias?


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Heart Rhythm Center » Podcasts

Health & Fitness

This is the fifth podcast in the What are Palpitations? series and it focuses on the most common supraventricular (top-chamber) tachycardias (SVT). We will be discussing a variety of the more common SVT seen in clinical practice and clinical scenarios are used to introduce the listener to these types of arrhythmias.  Arrhythmias discussed include: Premature atrial contractions, AV-node reentrant tachycardia, AV reentrant tachycardia, Atrial tachycardia, Atrial flutter, and Atrial fibrillation (will be discussed in great detail in podcast 6). Please visit www.heart-rhythm-center.com for more information.