What Does It Mean To Be God's Child?


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Guidelines For Living Devotional

Religion & Spirituality

Question:  What drives your life?  "I owe, I owe, so off to work I go," says the message on a car bumper sticker.  But is debt really the drive shaft of your existence?  What are the ingredients of a life worth living?  I'm not a philosopher, but when you live long enough and analyze the mistakes of people you form some opinions.  You see some live into their 90s who are bright and cheerful, and you see others, a third their age, grow bitter and cynical and begin to wither and die.  We don't always bury them, but their brains are short-circuited.  They are the living dead who exist but are living for nothing.   Theirs is the despair which Solomon talked about when he said, "I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living who are still alive" (Ecclesiastes 4:2).