What the heck is organizing?


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Social Arsonist

News & Politics

Anisha and Alex attempt to answer the question, "What the heck is organizing?" with the help of Kate Barthelme, a trainer at the Midwest Academy and former Statewide Field Director of Planned Parenthood Illinois. This episode is an entry-level conversation about what organizing is, why it's important, and how hard it can be to explain to family, friends, and dates. ~~~~~~~~~ Key Take-Aways: No victories are permanent. Power isn't inherently bad. Organizing is about building the power people need to win on the solutions they want to see in their communities. We want your feedback, ideas, and leads! Reach us at socialarsonistpodcast@gmail.com This week's ask/action can be found at: https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/ ~~~~~~~~ P.S. We're new to podcasting and some small audio glitches exist as evidence of this. Bear with us, we'll get better! ~~~~~~~~~ Intro Music by Loyalty Freak Music found at http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Loyalty_Freak_Music/