What we know about the Next-Gen Microsoft console, Xbox Series X


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What do we know about the next-generation console "Xbox Series X"? That's what we are going uncover in this podcast. The Xbox Series X features a monolithic design and will have up to four times the processing power of the Xbox One X and will support 4K gaming up to 120FPS. It will also sport a custom AMD processor and a solid-state drive (SSD) giving gamers more power and faster load times than previous generations.  . . . Follow us on Mixer: Mixer.com/GamingNord Twitter: @GamingNordMedia Facebook: @GamingNordMedia Thanks for watching and make sure you follow me on your favorite podcast platforms Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, and Spotify. =========================== [Sources] https://www.fastcompany.com/90443050/heres-everything-we-know-about-microsofts-xbox-series-x