What's Happening MoCo #25 - Interview with Dorne Hill, Cynthia Elliott-Amadon


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What's Happening MoCo?


In this episode, we highlight behavioral health resources within Montgomery County.  We talk with Dorne Hill, acting senior administrator for crisis and trauma services with Montgomery County's Department of Health and Human Services and Cynthia Elliott-Amadon, team leader with Common Ground, a peer-to-peer support services center for people facing mental health or substance abuse struggles. Hill's team facilitates live behavioral health live streams every two weeks on Wednesday. Links are below.Like our FB:  https://www.facebook.com/WhatsHappeningMoCoPodcastBehavioral Health Live stream info: https://montgomerycountymd.gov/covid19/get-help/mental-health-wellness.htmlHotline for behavioral health crisis 24/7: 240-777-4000Subscribe to our podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whats-happening-moco/id1444934081