What's Next Podcast Episode 8 with guest Skyler Rich


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What's Next? Podcast

News & Politics

What's Next Washington's Host, Sue Mason, interviews Skyler Rich. Skyler is a student of Business and Political Science at Calvin College in Michigan. He is the founder of Forgive Everyone Co; a clothing brand donating parts of every sale to help formerly incarcerated men and women find employment, housing, rehabilitation, and mentorship. His passions lie in incarceration reform and encouraging and promoting the practice proximity to people and ideas different from one's own. His plans for the future include possibly pursuing a degree in law and continuing his work in prison ministry.  Forgive Everyone Co Instagram Facebook Twitter   Produced and edited by ZipBangWow! Productions - Jonnie Wilder http://zipbangwow.com/ Song credit Marker Beacon. Song “Free".   Marker Beacon Website