When Diversity is no longer optional


Listens: 12

Career Uninterrupted


Companies no more treat Diversity and Inclusion as a project. Instead, most organizations are diligently working towards creating an inclusive and safe workspace for their employees. Welcome to another exciting episode of Career Uninterrupted. I am your host Lochan Narayanan, and we have Urvashi Verma with us today.

Urvashi is the talent acquisition head at Apec Xperi. She has 14 years of experience in talent attraction and sourcing strategy for multiple organizations. She shares that she is passionate about the new hiring strategies and advocates inclusion and diversity. 

Urvashi talks about the benefits and importance of diversity. She adds that DEI helps with profits and gives companies access to a large talent pool. It enables businesses to focus on the employees' skills and value additions, ultimately increasing the team's creativity and productivity.

We also discuss how organizations are changing their hiring processes to make DEI an ongoing process. For example, businesses are more open to remote interviews and jobs. They are also conducting sensitizing sessions for all the existing employees to create awareness. 

Listen to the entire episode as we further discuss how organizations are tackling their biases towards women returning from maternity leave and what they are doing to create an inclusive infrastructure. 

About the guest

Urvashi is Head of Talent Acquisition - APAC at Xperi.

She is passionate about new hiring techniques and has over 14 years of experience in the industry.

Urvashi is a LinkedIn Creator, Public Speaker, Patent Award holder and has a passion to advocate for Diversity and Inclusion, and stands as an Ally to create inclusive teams, she is a promoter of work life balance and practicing that from last many years, she always put effort to provide opportunities to grow & learn to the people around her. Urvashi mentors for better TA techniques on LinkedIn educating over 21,000+ people.

**Career Uninterrupted Podcast is brought to you by OfExperiences - a platform that enables mid-career professionals through career transitions.**

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