When The Love Dries Up- What If That's Not A Bad Thing?


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On today's episode we will be discussing the topic of "when the love dries up". Of course that honey moon stage can be oh so sweet! The feelings, the infatuation, the passion, and grand acts of romance. But it's called a stage for a reason: it was never meant to be the foundation, but a natural shift into something deeper! What if I told you that the end of the honey moon stage didn't mean the relationship was over, or that the love was never there?? Well, girl, it doesn't mean that at all! Quite the opposite actually! If you are married and you feel as though you've made a terrible mistake because all the romantic ways about him are now periodic, at best, I can assure you that this is a good thing! It means the relationship is progressing and moving onto the second level of what eventually brings about the  'completion' of a relationship that has made it out of the trenches and into the bliss. So grab your cup of peppermint tea, your pumpkin latte, or whatever you've got and listen in! Your hosts are Maddisen Spano and her husband Vincent. They share tips on relatable issues every 'HER' faces- to bring you a little direction in living your best life yet! Please subscribe and share! More at Maddisenspano.com