Whoever Writes Monsters - Mark Sevi - Ep02


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Whoever Writes Monsters Podcast

TV & Film

With host professional screenwriter Mark Sevi, discussions with writers of scifi, horror, and true crime fiction and non-fiction, and also professionals who work in crime. Episode 02: Screenwriter Eric Spudic Discussion Points: 00:00 intro 02:50 chatting up the guest 03:00 background 07:00 passion counts 08:30 why these genres/dark side of life 11:00 breaking in 14:00 dream director/producer to work with 16:30 upcoming? 19:00 commercial for podcast 20:00 that's a wrap Eric's Bio:  Eric Spudic was born in Mt. Olive, IL and has about 20 years' experience in the film industry.  His writing credits include AQUANOIDS and CREEPIES.  He's also acted in over 40 features, including WEREWOLF IN A WOMENS PRISON, SUPERCROC and DINO WOLF. IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0819908/   #DeadlyCulture #Creepies2  #KillersbyNature  #Creepies #BloodyTease #EvilUnleashed  #Maniacal  #Aquanoids  #TheHazing Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/spudicsmovieempire/ Website: http://www.ericspudic.net Zombie Pirates: http://www.amazon.com/Zombie-Pirates-Sarah-French/dp/B00GKLV27S/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1384551285&sr=1-1&keywords=zombie+pirates Online Store: http://www.spudicsmovieempire.com #ericspudic #spudiscmovieempire   Mark's Bio Mark Sevi is a professional scriptwriter with over 30 scripts sold, 19 made into feature films including “Devil’s Knot” starring Academy-award winning actors Reese Witherspoon and Colin Firth.  He is repped by Wayne Alexander of Alexander, Lawrence, Frumes & Labowitz, LLP (anlf.com) Mark also teaches scriptwriting at Orange Coast College Community Education.  In 2009, with the help of some amazingly talented individuals, Mark founded the Orange County Screenwriters Association (website) which is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing resources to all filmmakers, amateur and professional, through community, high school, and college outreach.  OC Screenwriters plans events that feature Hollywood industry speakers and professional, and sponsors contest that turn short scripts into film. As part of a rotating group of teachers, Mark lectures at colleges around Southern California and Oregon on scriptwriting and filmmaking. This is Mark’s second podcasting show.  PlotpointsPodcast (plotpoints.com and iTunes) is his first. IMDB WEBSITE AMAZON OCSCREENWRITERS PLOTPOINTS PODCAST WEBSITE PLOTPOINTS PODCAST ITUNES #marksevi #ocscreenwriters #plotpointspodcast