Why are you afraid to change careers?


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Tea time with Twaambo


You know the feeling, the restlessness, the eye-rolling that you do behind your colleagues back. So why haven't you made the jump? Could these be the reasons you fear? This episode is sponsored by Rovert Foods, bringing vegetables and fruits to you fresh and fast. Grab my new ebook that is a set of values-based exercises that will help you understand yourself and detail what you want in a partner ( more than just the bag!) If you did enjoy this podcast please rate, review & subscribe on iTunes or the podcatcher of your choice. It will help me tremendously to reach and help even more people. You are looking for a life & transition coach (change management)? Head over to my website to check out how we can work together. In need of an inspirational Instagram account to brighten up your days? Follow The Confidence School on Instagram. Please support this podcast, if you are enjoying it and are able to. Leverage your creativity with “The Young Creative African Workbook” When Mom Needs A Break!: Sign up for the course now Have a look at my eBooks