Why do you feel awful about doing something over?


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Tea time with Twaambo


Have you ever had to resit a test, redo a job or revisit a project that just didn’t work out? Feels icky doesn’t it? Why do you feel awful about doing something over? Why does it feel that way? Other than things not working out, do you know why exactly you feel that way? If you did enjoy this podcast please rate, review & subscribe on iTunes or the podcatcher of your choice. It will help me tremendously to reach and help even more people. You are looking for a life & transition coach (change management)? Head over to my website to check out how we can work together. In need of an inspirational Instagram account to brighten up your days? Follow The Confidence School on Instagram. Please support this podcast, if you are enjoying it and can. Leverage your creativity with “The Young Creative African Workbook” When Mom Needs A Break!: Sign up for the course now Have a look at my eBooks