Why is a Baby's Mental Health Important?


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Raising Baby


Welcome back! In today's episode we will be talking about why infant mental health is important! We will cover how infant mental health impacts: Brain Development Attachment Prevention of Mental Health Issues Later in Life Treatment! You will also hear from a baby's perspective as to why their mental health is important and what you can do about it! If you'd like the PDF's transcripts of the Baby Perspective segment that you can share with families you work with or use to reflect on after listening to the episode, you can download it and other resources here: Raising Baby Podcast: FREE Resources Please make sure you subscribe and review on iTunes and Google Play! When you do this, you help the podcast reach more families and practitioners in need of hearing this show! Follow me on IG: @selma_parentchildrelationships Like My Page on FB: https://www.facebook.com/parentchildrelationshipinstitute/ Website: www.parentchildrelationshipinstitute.com Website: www.raisingbabypodcast.com More about the webinar can be found here: https://www.parentchildrelationshipinstitute.com/events/how-to-work-with-infants-toddlers-in-a-private-practice-setting