Why is the Shape of the Palate Important?


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Healthy Sleep Revolution


Did you know that the shape of our palates greatly affects our breathing? Join Dr. Meghna Dassani in today's episode to learn more!     Episode Highlights: - Understanding the effect of person's palate shape to his/her Obstructive Sleep Apnea. - How our eating habits affect the shape of our palate. - How therapies help in improving our breathing.      Quotes: "The roof of the mouth is also the floor of the nose–that area is the very beginning of our airway." "If the underlying cause of a person's OSA is the shape of his/her palate, many of the first line interventions may not work." "Address the cause of OSA instead of slapping on band aids that doesn't do much." "The development of the palate begins in utero." "When the soft palate loses its tone, it can cause a physical obstruction."     Learn more about Meghna Dassani www.meghnadassani.com www.dassanidentistry.com