Why It's Great to be Black in Bangkok with Erick Prince aka Minority Nomad


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Bangkok Strange


Erick Prince is the man behind Minority Nomad. Erick travels the world sharing his story via blogs, photos and videos through his own life perspective as a black American male. Erick dives into why he believes Bangkok, Thailand i the absolute best place to live in the world for a Black American. It is the safest and most relaxing. Black in Bangkok, dating, racism, and quality of life. dana and Mike make not attempt to hide their absolute love of Bangkok and Erick is clearly in that camp as well. From Thai food, to Thai people and overall quality of life in Bangkok Thailand, This episode has it all. Follow Eric: https://www.instagram.com/minoritynomad/ https://www.minoritynomad.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLvozTwKNGuh8WUeSHrSkpw Find the World Famous BAngKok Strange podcast on: iTunes, Google Podcast, iHeart, TuneIN, and *many* other fine podcast aggregators. BLOG: http://www.BangkokStrange.com *MERCH* http://shop.bangkokstrange.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BangkokStrange/ (c) 2020 Bangkok Strange