Why The Benefits Of Having A Daily Personal Practice Will Lead To More Self-Love, Confidence, And Empowerment


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Dear Lovely Universe


This week on Dear Lovely Universe is an insightful interview with featured guest Roberto Carias from Dream Evolve Thrive. This episode is perfect for you if you're interested in increasing your confidence, learning how to become an even stronger person, and want to get closer to achieving your life purpose. Roberto is a certified hypnotherapist specializing in mindset and wellness alignment. After finally meeting his Higher Self he's come to the realization that all people have access to the same source of infinite intelligence and universal consciousness yet we're suffering from unhealed trauma and emotional blocks that prevent us from having our soul awakening. His intention is to be of service to others by helping them tap into their fullest mind, body, and soul potential through my daily introspective program geared towards self-mastery and the daily pursuit of our life's purpose. In this episode, we discuss: 1. Who is the Higher Self. 2. What Roberto believes is a person’s soul purpose. 3. When Roberto's self-discovery and awakening process happen. 4. How someone can raise their energy and vibe. 5. Why it is important to focus on intentionally raising your energy and vibration daily. 6. Steps that someone can take to create a mindset practice of their own. 7. What it means to be self-aware. 8. 3 myths about mindset debunked. 9. Resources that Roberto recommends for listeners. Connect with Roberto Carias at www.dreamevolvethrive.com or on IG @dreamevolvethrive. He has amazing content and I suggest following his page! Connect with me on Instagram @dearlovelyuniverse. Have a beautiful rest of your day!