Why Zen Matters, Advice from Zen Master Dogen - Conversation with Brad Warner [Episode 17]


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Anatomy of Living

Religion & Spirituality

With the growing interest in Zen Buddhism, many people have heard of the great Japanese Zen Master Eihei Dogen, but who was he? How did his views of Zen differ from others? And why might his views matter today?  Join us with Soto Zen Priest, teacher and author Brad Warner as we discuss this fascinating figure from the 13th Century A.D. Brad presents Dogen's ideas in ways that make them more applicable in our modern daily lives, allowing a more accessible understanding of this great Zen master.  Brad is the author of Hardcore Zen, Sit Down and Shut Up, and several other books on Zen Buddhism including his recent release: It Came From Beyond Zen, published by New World Library. His writing also appears in Lion's Roar, Tricycle, Buddhadharma, and Alternative Press. --- Anatomy of Living Podcast with Ashton Szabo Why Zen Matters, Advice from Zen Master Dogen - Conversation with Brad Warner [Episode 17] Credits: Special Guest: Brad Warner www.hardcorezen.info Creator and Host: Ashton Szabo Intro and Outro Music: Emily Ann Peterson   Ashton Szabo Facebook: www.facebook.com/anatomyofliving Instagram: @anatomyofliving Twitter: AnatomyofLiving www.anatomyofliving.com