やさしい英語会話 (359) Don't Make a Big Mistake at a Job Interview


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Hiroshima University's English Podcast


Download MP3 今回のテーマは「就職面接」。面接では、自分の強み、大学で学んだこと、志望動機などをちゃんと説明できることが必須ですね。でも一番大事なことは…!? 今回の会話では、英語の面接での受け答えの方法が学べます。*** It's a Good Expression *** (今回の重要表現) take a seat 座る(=have a seat) I’m Laura Cruz. 日常会話の中で名前を名乗る時は、My name is…は丁寧すぎるため、カジュアルなI’m…で始めるのが一般的です。一方就職面接では相手にプロフェッショナルな印象を与えるため、My name is…で自己紹介を始める方が好ましいとされています。ここでI’m…を使っていることから、ひょっとしたらLauraはあまり面接慣れしていないのかもしれませんね(その後の受け答えは完璧なのですが、実際、”a big mistake”をやらかしていますしね)。 manage conflicts 人間関係のいざこざを調整する grades 成績 graduation thesis 卒業論文 adjust 調節する based on に基づいて for instance 例えば It makes me wonder. おかしいな。不思議だな。 apply for a job 職に申し込む *** Script *** Don’t Make a Big Mistake at a Job Interview Situation: Inside an office. M: Hi. Please take a seat. W: Thank you. M: Let’s get started. Could you please first tell us a little about yourself? W: Sure. I’m Laura Cruz. I was born and grew up in the United States. I came here to Japan as a student, and my major is in International Studies. M: I see. What do you think your strength is? W: I think my strength is my confidence and leadership skills. The experience I had as a student leader helped me in managing conflicts. M: Wow. Your grades are excellent as well. Could you tell me about your graduation thesis? What was it about? W: Since my major was about culture in international studies, my thesis was about multiculturalism and education. I conducted my research about the relations between the cultures of various countries, and how their education systems are different, depending on the culture. M: For example, what were your findings? W: That each country or place needs to adjust its education based on its culture. For instance, we cannot directly bring the US’s education system into Japan since we don’t have the same culture. M: That’s true, but… it makes me wonder. Why did you apply for this job? W: I applied for this educational company since I wanted to contribute to improving education systems. M: Uhm.. I think you made a mistake… W: Huh? What is it, sir? M: This is a BUSINESS company. The educational company you’re talking about is in the building on the other side of the street. W: AH! (Written by by Mikael Kai Nomura)