Ydy Llwyddiant yn Ysbrydoli Llwyddiant?


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Codi’r Llen ar Chwaraeon yng Nghymru


Ers dros ddegawd, mae Cymru wedi mwynhau llwyddiant chwaraeon ac wedi bod yn rhan ganolog o'r byd chwaraeon. Ond oes rhywbeth mwy na'r teimlad o foddhad sydd i'w gael ar waith yma? Mae Lowri Morgan yn gofyn beth mae chwaraeon yn ei wneud i economi Cymru, i gyfranogiad chwaraeon ac i sêr yfory. For over a decade, Wales has enjoyed sporting success and been at the centre of the sporting world. But is there really more than a feel-good factor at play here? Lowri Morgan asks what does sport does for the Welsh economy, for sports participation and for the stars of tomorrow. This podcast episode is narrated in Welsh and features interviews in both Welsh and English.