Your Podcast Topic with Anchor and Canva


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Alexis Musser: Stories of The Past


This is my Podcast Topic with both applications Anchor and Canva being a component, with art and storytelling. Stories of The Past by Alexis Musser, is a retelling of all my personal favorite stories and parts of history that my grandparents have witnessed and passed unto me. The above episode is just a little piece of what is soon to come. A conversation between my grandmother and I, about Martin Luther King Jr. and the unfortunate day he was assassinated. Where was my grandmother ? What was going through her mind ? Her opinion on Kings views versus that of todays. How did her brother-in-laws act, being that they were part of the infamous Black Panther Party ? All will be answered in the next episode to come ! So grab a snack and sit down to listen to Stories of The Past.