Your Story Matters [Part Two] | Lucas Skrobot


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"Everyone is an influencer" -Lucas SkrobotAuthor of "Anchored The Discipline to Stop Drifting", Host of "Own Your Future" Podcast, Successful Branding Strategist, Public Speaker, + Father to Four Boys Who He Is Raising in Dubai.In Part Two of our episode, Skrobot and I discuss: the misconception of adventure, our roles as influencers in our spheres, and how to take serious the calls on our lives. You will leave empowered, with vision and focus - I know I did...Lucas Skrobot·       Website·       Instagram·       LinkedInSkrobot's Book "Anchored The Discipline to Stop Drifting"·       $14.95 BUY IT NOWOwn Your Future Podcast·       Apple·       Spotify·       Youtube·       Overcast