Alice Isn't Dead

Listens: 474


A truck driver searches across America for the wife she had long assumed was dead. In the course of her search, she will encounter not-quite-human serial murderers, towns literally lost in time, and a conspiracy that goes way beyond one missing woman.

Live Ep: The Finish Line

A brand new live Alice story, performed at the Largo in Los Angeles earlier this year. Don’t forget: you can get the Alice Isn’t Dead novel – a totall...
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Bonus: The Window & The Mirror

A compilation of short Alice Isn't Dead bonus episodes we made for our Patreon supporters, based on locations chosen by donors. Now that the Patreon i...
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Dear Reader

A short letter to the reader that didn’t make it into the final version of the Alice Isn’t Dead novel. Thanks so much for going on this road trip with...
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Alice Isn't Dead Novel Excerpt 4

Just one week until the Alice Isn’t Dead novel is released! Enjoy this excerpt from the audiobook, read by Jasika Nicole. Pre-order the novel right he...
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Alice Isn't Dead Novel Excerpt 3

Our third excerpt from the Alice Isn’t Dead novel, read by Jasika Nicole. Just a few more weeks until the novel is released! You can pre-order the Ali...
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