Audio – Restoration Covenant Church

Listens: 226


"Following Jesus as a family for the good of the world"

Acts :: Read the Room Paul!

Paul performs a miracle to a gentile audience and a mob erupts. How does Paul explain to them that this is a gift from the One who fills our hearts wi...
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Acts :: Prayer v Prison

Peter is miraculously delivered from prison, and nobody is more surprised than those praying! Given by Pastor Jon on 10/10/21.
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Acts :: It’s NOT about the food!

Peter has a vision that declares what was once unclean as clean. But it’s not about food; it’s about hospitality and the walls we created between one ...
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Acts :: Blessed to Suffer

Saul is going to spread persecution agains the church when he encounters the risen Jesus. It is better to suffer than to cause suffering. Given by Pas...
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Acts :: Love and Curiosity

Phillip meets an Ethiopian Eunuch and his curiosity opens up a whole world. Why is curiosity an expression of love? GIven by Pastor Jon on 9/19/21.
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Acts :: Simon the Sorcerer

As we return to the book of Acts, we meet Simon the Sorcerer. How do we avoid the temptation of treating God as a power to harness for our own benefit...
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Wisdom and Foolishness

The wisdom of God is foolishness to the world. How does the cross render foolish the wisdom of our age? Given by Dr. Trey Clark on 9/05/21.
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The Bad Ones :: REPENT!

As we conclude our series on the Bad Ones, we bring it all together with a simple word: repent. Given by Pastor Jon on 8/29/21.
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The Bad Ones :: Mephibosheth

David firmly establishes his kingdom, and what is the first thing he does? Show the lovingkindess of God to a natural enemy. Given by Pastor Jon on 8/...
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The Bad Ones :: Into the Wild

In our second look at the live of David, we look at his sojourn through the wilderness. Why is the wilderness such a major motif of Scripture? Given b...
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