Audio Revolution!

Listens: 14


The Audio Revolution! podcast is a production of Youth Media Project. Youth Media Project works with educators to create innovative curricula and produce Audio Revolution! radio and web broadcasts.

Body Modification

In this episode, youth in and around Santa Fe discuss the world of body modification. From tattoos having symbolic meaning to them being a part of a c...
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With such a grand topic, hosts Adrian Andre of Santa Fe Community College and Conor Cole of the MASTERS program guide listeners into the multiplicity ...
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Sports and Competition

Hosts Adriana Torres of Monte Del Sol and Miles Tokunow guide listeners through a multi-cultural, multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, and multi-voiced s...
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SWAT Show on Suicide

Santa Fe High School’s Student Wellness Action Team (SWAT) joined us at YMP to share with their peers different perspectives on suicide and ways of pr...
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War and Conflict: The Gaza Strip

The Audio Revolution! production team and students at the United World College in Las Vegas, NM teamed up to create this comprehensive show about the ...
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Humor Show

What better way to start off a new season of Audio Revolution! with a light-hearted show about humor! Hosts Adriana Torres of Monte Del Sol Charter Sc...
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What Is American?

In this edition of Audio Revolution! hosts Gabriel Rima and Savannah Chapman-Martinez take you into the depths of identity: What does it mean to be Am...
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Youth Stress Show

Join us while Audio Revolution! takes on this increasingly important issue. We’ll investigate the busy lives of teens and what they do to cope with th...
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Unconventional Art

Explore the underground with Audio Revolution!. This show investigates the world of unconventional, underrepresented, and underground arts. From Hip H...
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Halloween Show

Halloween Hosts Arlyn Torres and Savannah Chapman-Martinez of Capital High School guide you through a scary, spooky and informative edition of Audio R...
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