Audio Versions of Chris's Fiction

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Audio versions of Chris Howard's fiction.

A Corner Not Dipped In Styx

(Published, March 2006 issue of Ultraverse) Seriously wounded on a far away planet, Lieutenant Boort plans his escape from behind enemy lines, enlisti...
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The Wreath - Chapter 3

( Kassandra stared unblinking at the world around her. The silent gloomy water seemed peaceful. Her dreams of drowning were always fr...
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Always Becoming

(Published, January 2006 issue of The Harrow) Growth, as a state, is superior to completeness, live for the journey, not its end. Making way for the n...
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The Wreath - Chapter 2

( Kassandra's earliest memory was of an angry blond-haired woman forcing her head under the bathwater, shoving it against the bottom ...
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Diminisher of Peace

(Published, Sept 2005 issue of The Harrow) If you can see into the future, gods will take notice of you. Aldred's brother is killed unjustly and Aldre...
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