Austin Oaks Church

Listens: 39


Official Sermons from Austin Oaks Church

What Matters Most in the Church

Pastor Brandon and Pastor Charles begin the message by introducing Africa New Life and what they've been able to accomplish over the past 20 years and...
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How To Renew Our Focus on Jesus

Pastor Charles Mugisha of Africa New Life shares the importance of placing Jesus at the center of our lives and how it is vital for us to continue to ...
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Identity and Priority

In Luke 9, Jesus makes some bold claims about who He is and what He has come to do. How are we to understand ourselves in light of what He reveals? Do...
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Though He Slay Me

It's a lot easier to praise God when our life seems to be going the way that we want it to. But what about when hardships come that we didn't plan for...
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Preparing For Worship

Is worship something that we usually prepare for, or something we stumble into?  This week Josh looks at Exodus 19 where God shows up in a powerful wa...
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Worship As The Battle

This week Pastor Brandon takes us through 2 Chronicles 20 to see how God goes before us even in our worship of Him and the power that is found in givi...
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Worship As A Safeguard

For the past few weeks we've been looking at what it means to come together in worship from a biblical perspective. This week, Pastor Brandon talks wi...
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Spirit and Truth

In John 4, Jesus says that God is seeking true worshipers. What does it mean to be a true worshiper, and what does it mean to worship in Spirit and Tr...
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The Both/And of Worship

What is worship? Why do we gather together as a church? Isn't it just about me and Jesus? Sometimes it's hard to muster up anything more than just sho...
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Facing Doubt when Following Jesus

Followers of Jesus are called to listen to Him and do what He says. But the truth is, there are times when we find ourselves doubting what God has cal...
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