Be The KING Podcast

Listens: 203


Welcome to the BE THE KING podcast. Thee place for MEN who desire to create an IMPACT in this world. Join host Tim Holloway as he leads the call to action. In a time where our families and communities are suffering due to MEN failing to be the man, this podcast explores what it really means to BE THE KING.

Bad Advice Is Not Very Nice

What is some of the worst advice that you have been given? What kind of consequences have you received as a result of following someone else and their...
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Life Inside The Merry-Go-Round

Have you ever wonder why you do the same thing over and over again and expect different results? In this episode I dive deep into all the reasons why ...
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The Stages Of Growth For Men

Special guest Clay Smeltzer is back in the house, and we are talking about the evolutionary growth of man. We have many attributes as a man that might...
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Set Your Priorities

On this episode of Be The King, I get to talk to NFL player turned entrepreneur Hakeem Valles on his realizations on fatherhood-- yikes! We discuss wh...
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Entrepreneurial Mindset

Hakeem Valles reveals his entrepreneurial mindset as he narrates his past business endeavors. Hakeem recalls that his inclination to having a provider...
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