Becoming Lincoln

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A podcast on the life of Abraham Lincoln, from his ancestors to his afterlife.

The Cause

The Kansas-Nebraska Act threw American politics into chaos in 1854. The two-party duopoly that existed for the previous 20 years was swept away in the...
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The Cause

The Kansas-Nebraska Act threw American politics into chaos in 1854. The two-party duopoly that existed for the previous 20 years was swept away in the...
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We Rose Fighting

Nursing his own ambitions and trying to hold onto his power in the U.S. Senate, Stephen Douglas agreed to introduce legislation repealing the Missouri...
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We Rose Fighting

Nursing his own ambitions and trying to hold onto his power in the U.S. Senate, Stephen Douglas agreed to introduce legislation repealing the Missouri...
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A Western Man

Abraham Lincoln would never had become president had he not locked horns with Stephen Douglas, whose rapid rise through Illinois politics quickly made...
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A Western Man

Abraham Lincoln would never had become president had he not locked horns with Stephen Douglas, whose rapid rise through Illinois politics quickly made...
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More Than Ordinary Prejudice

Abraham Lincoln's racial attitudes were complicated. He was willing to defend fugitive slaves and appears to have lived in what was (for its time...
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More Than Ordinary Prejudice

Abraham Lincoln's racial attitudes were complicated. He was willing to defend fugitive slaves and appears to have lived in what was (for its time...
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Don't Shoot Too High

Abraham Lincoln's law practice was dominated by debt cases and the messy but commonplace disputes that make up a legal practice then and now. He ...
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Many Loved Ones Gone Before

Mary Lincoln's domestic life often involved working as a single parent and managing tight finances while her husband was out making a living. Bot...
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