Behind The Canvas

Listens: 6


Inspiration, insight, interviews and action steps for artists and creative entrepreneurs. Helping artists Turn Pro, Roxanne Vise, artist and founder of Creative Tempo, provides a foundation for art business and marketing tools that work, revealing a new class of artists that have an insider, Behind The Canvas pass, to a community of support, learning and leading. Listen in, subscribe and begin taking the steps to turn pro in your own art business today.

EP05 – Journey of a Jeweler

  ARTIST INTERVIEW: Linda Blumel, jeweler       In this show, artist and jeweler, Linda Blumel and I talk with you about.. If a fine art degree is rea...
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EP01 – Starving to Thriving

      The term, starving artist has been used in the art business world for waay too long.   Accepting that title as a right of passage, or as a badge...
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EP03 – Celebrate Your Wins

    Give yourself permission to relax – enjoy the small wins and celebrate the big wins.   Everything is progress. We only lose time when we procrasti...
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