Beyond Inclusive Technology

Listens: 1


Beyond Inclusive Technology: Supporting students struggling in the regular education classrooms WITH GREG O’CONNOR Beyond Inclusive Technology – These podcasts will focus on the use of inclusive technologies in special education classrooms and in regular education classrooms to support students who struggle with learning for whatever reasons. I want to look at not only what is happening now but also explore beyond where we are at – innovations, disruptions and future directions. The title is about looking beyond the “this is what we do” paradigm and explore the “what is possible” for ALL students. Taking inspiration from Apollo 13 and the catch cry of ‘failure is not an option’ – these podcasts will explore why failure should not be an option for any students, particularly when we have so many technology tools to add to our teaching toolkit and add to their digital lives to help this be a reality! Also take the beginning letters from Beyond Inclusive Technology and you have BIT – the basic unit of information in computing and digital communications. The podcast will not bet bogged down in tech jargon or overwhelm the listener with too much whiz-bangery. While it will not be basic, it will be practical, sometimes brief, accessible and essential advice and ideas on supporting ALL students using technology. Why not join me? So, who’s running the show? Subscribe to this podcast and many others!