Big Bitch Energy

Listens: 722


A feminist podcast with socialist tendencies

#48 - Cancel Canada Day

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber discuss the #CancelCanadaDay movement and the recent news about Residential Schools. Ending Donate to a loc...
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#47 - Is body positivity dead?

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber discuss the body positivity movement, fatphobia, and how thin white women take over every space they're a p...
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#43 - Fefe Dobson-based podcast

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber keep things light and discuss recent discourse.   Ending   Follow us on Twitter: @BigBitchPod, @PhD_bitch, ...
Show notes

#42 - Free Britney

In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber discuss the #FreeBritney movement, mental health, and the curse of fame.    Ending   Follow us on Twitter: ...
Show notes