Bite-sized History of Mathematics

Listens: 76


Mathematics has been done in particular times and places for thousands of years. Behind the theorems, equations, techniques and applications taught in the lecture room is a history of false starts, astonishing breakthroughs, remarkable personalities, fruitful collaborations, misattribution of credit, and disputes over who discovered what first. A series of stories, in fact. The materials aim to give students some of the history which lies behind a selection of the famous names and equations in mathematics. Each topic comprises a 'stand alone' two page pdf suitable to be 'dropped' into lecture notes and an accompanying mp3 file based on the pdf. This podcast provides the mp3 files and the pdf documents can be found on the website These materials are freely available for educational use. We would like to hear from any tutors or students who use these resources - please tell us how you use them and how far they meet your needs.


Archimedes. Get a pdf document on this topic via the website
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The Logistic Map

The Logistic Map. Get a pdf document on this topic via the website
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pi. Get a pdf document on this topic via the website
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Non-Euclidean Geometry

Non-Euclidean Geometry. Get a pdf document on this topic via the website
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Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale. Get a pdf document on this topic via the website
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Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton. Get a pdf document on this topic via the website
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Mathematical Notation

Mathematical Notation. Get a pdf document on this topic via the website
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Maskelyne and Comrie

Maskelyne and Comrie . Get a pdf document on this topic via the website
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Maclaurin and Taylor

Maclaurin and Taylor. Get a pdf document on this topic via the website
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Pierre Simon de Laplace

Pierre Simon de Laplace. Get a pdf document on this topic via the website
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