Burnin' Hot Tea

Listens: 17


Basically, I am here to spill the tea in a comical way. Of course we are here to have fun and laugh it out! Thank you for sharing this journey with me!

The Huns: Anti-MLM

Today, I will be serving the burnin' hot tea on the huns and a view of anti-mlm.  Cash App: $JocelynVanSandt Venmo: @Jocelyn-Vansandt Cash App:https:/...
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The Huns: Anti-MLM

Today, I will be serving the burnin' hot tea on the huns and a view of anti-mlm.  Cash App: $JocelynVanSandt Venmo: @Jocelyn-Vansandt Cash App:https:/...
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Helen Keller Is Not Real

Today, my guest, Carlin Tillman, and I will be serving the burnin' hot tea on how Helen Keller is false and Anne should get more credit for carrying H...
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Helen Keller Is Not Real

Today, my guest, Carlin Tillman, and I will be serving the burnin' hot tea on how Helen Keller is false and Anne should get more credit for carrying H...
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Collegeboard Is a Liar

Today, I will be serving the burnin' hot tea on Collegeboard and their scammery. Cash App: $JocelynVanSandtVenmo: @Jocelyn-VansandtPayPal link: https:...
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Collegeboard Is a Liar

Today, I will be serving the burnin' hot tea on Collegeboard and their scammery. Cash App: $JocelynVanSandtVenmo: @Jocelyn-VansandtPayPal link: https:...
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Keanu Reaves Is Immortal

Today, I will be serving the burnin' hot tea on celebrities that are aging backward and then there is me crying over how I might age horribly.Venmo: @...
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Keanu Reaves Is Immortal

Today, I will be serving the burnin' hot tea on celebrities that are aging backward and then there is me crying over how I might age horribly.Venmo: @...
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Kaitlin Bennett Is A Joke

Today, I will be serving the burnin' hot tea on the hashtag #repealthe19th and how Kaitlin Bennett is a joke.Venmo: @Jocelyn-VansandtCash App: $Jocely...
Show notes

Kaitlin Bennett Is A Joke

Today, I will be serving the burnin' hot tea on the hashtag #repealthe19th and how Kaitlin Bennett is a joke.Venmo: @Jocelyn-VansandtCash App: $Jocely...
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