Can I Say That?

Listens: 17


Engaging with culture as Christians in a post Christian world, asking questions we don't normally ask in church.


Why does the evangelical church historically focus so much on the sensual and sexual aspect of modesty? How has this specifically affected women? What...
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American Evangelicalism

Should christians still identify with the term "American Evangelicalism"? Or is it too engrossed with Christian Nationalism? Are we letting a younger ...
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Is doubting a sin? What even does the term "doubt" me in relation to the faith world? Why do churches struggle with welcoming doubt in their spaces? H...
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Peace in the midst of Fear

How can christians become the non-anxious presence of Christ in this world? Are there spiritual practices that can lead us away from anxiety and fear?...
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Criticism and Judgement

Are Christians called to judge? What about to criticize? Should we enjoy correcting others? Is there a boundary when it comes to those who are not fol...
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The Prosperity Gospel

What is the Prosperity Gospel? Where did it come from? Does it contain any sort of Biblical truth? Do we really just have to have faith in order to be...
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Progressive Christianity

What is progressive christianity? What are some common held beliefs of those who would consider themselves to be progressive christians? What can cons...
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Christians and Politics

Should christians be involved in politics? Should we let our Biblical convictions dictate how we vote? Is one party really more christian than "the ot...
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When Leaders Fail

Pastors fail. They have affairs, they struggle with power, money and honesty. Ultimately they are not immune to sin, so how should the church deal wit...
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