Coast Community Church (of Santa Barbara)

Listens: 1942


If you missed a Sunday or two, if you want to listen again to make sure you got it all, or if you are just curious and want to check out what goes on at Coast Community on a Sunday morning, you are in the right place. Here you can listen to recent messages from Pastor James and other preachers at Coast Community.

At Night

John 3: 1-21 Awaken to a new way of understanding and living.
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Matthew 4: 1-11 An invitation to a Lenten journey characterized not by weakness and defeat, but by boldness and confident hope.
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Matthew 5: 13-16 Today we hear stories of the different ways God's people are being the salt of the earth and the light of the world in their unique c...
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Light of the World

Matthew 5: 13-16 What does it mean, and what does it look like for followers of Jesus to shine as Jesus did?
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John 15: 1-17 As the Beloved children of God, we are chosen, blessed and broken ultimately so that we might be given for the world...given in life, an...
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John 15: 1-17 How might our unique brokenness become a pathway to a deeper understanding and experience of the love of God?
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John 15: 1-17 Two practices essential to our ability to hear and receive the blessing of God in our lives.
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John 15: 1-17 Before you ever did anything to set yourself apart in this world, there was One who knew you as unique and special, One who chose you fo...
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Good News

Romans 1: 1-7 Advent reminds us that Jesus was not only a baby born in Bethlehem, but is the Lord of all the universe, worthy of our praise and our ve...
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