Counting Worms: Murder, True Crime and Death

Listens: 38


Join us for a light-hearted look at how some people have met their demise. From murder to disease to stupidity, the Grim Reaper finds each and every one of us...eventually. Hear stories of the unusual, gruesome, creepy-crawly, brutal and unbelievable ways people ended up counting worms.

Dumb - Plain & Simple 3

Think you know stupid?  You ain't seen nothin' yet!  A bus load of cops get bamboozled, a phone-ahead bank robber and how to beat a breathal...
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Ep 104: Death By Sex 3

Back by popular demand!  Whether you're into BDSM, or simply wake up to a stranger sucking on your toes, we have it all for you!
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Ep 101: Follow the Evidence

Eventually justice prevails... be it in a court of law, a court of public opinion, or the final lurid words of your obituary.  We follow the evidence....
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Ep 100: Runaway Train!

Your imagination can't come up with the incredible ways mankind has found to die when battling the mighty steam engine.  Sit back and enjoy feeli...
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Ep 99: Just Below The Surface

What takes a hard working accountant and turns them into a family annihilator?  Here's a hint.... it won't be the same thing that leads a ha...
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Ep 97: Minisode - Death by Dog

No, no, no... we would never talk about dog attacks.  There is nothing 'wormy' in that!  These dogs were devious... they used everything exc...
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