
Listens: 21


Welcome to DungeonsDeepRPGs! Here you'll find several different actual play shows under one banner including: Kids On Bikes, The Single Session Show, Call of Cthulhu, and more! We have shows for all your Tabletop RPG needs. May your Dice be blessed!

Call of Cthulhu #23 | DYLATH-LEEN

Whilst the Dreamlands Express speeds along the mysterious dreamscape, the Investigators are acquainted with their fellow Passengers over a formal dinn...
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Call of Cthulhu #21 | INDEMNITY

On the same day the Investigators go into the remains of the Comte's Villa, Gaspari is pulled into a separate investigation. Morel, Baley's research p...
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Call of Cthulhu #19 | CONTRACTUS

The Investigators leave Paris for the town of Poissy to follow up a lead on Comte Fenalik. Angus Baley, a University Researcher, makes the acquaintanc...
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Call of Cthulhu #17 | CHASING LIES

After the mysterious play, the Investigators attempt to speak with the actors in the hopes of finding any clues that may inform them more about the Se...
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