Emergency Contact

Listens: 10


The weekly podcast where people tell good stories about bad injuries!

24 - Paige Campbell

Paige Campbell (Friday Afternoon) stops in to tell a story involving a driveby shooting, Andy returns from his absence, and the podcast is hit with so...
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23 - James Crabtree

On this rainy day, James Crabtree (@iamcrabtree) recalls a handful of injuries that hit all types of pain: physical, mental, and emotional! We also fi...
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22 - Marshall Louise

Today on episode 22, the delightful Marshall Louise (Cat Talk, @marshalllouise) tells a few break stories! Also, Andy is away and we have a mysterious...
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21 - Helon Roop

The legendary Helon Roop (@lurkaround) visits the podcast to tell a series of skateboarding injuries, amongst other things!Email us at emergencycontac...
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20 - Emily Hoffman

The big 2-0! We invite Emily Hoffman (Friedstein and Hoffman, @emilyhughston) to celebrate our 20th episode and she gifts us an injury story from her ...
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19 - Andy Zou

Actor/Filmmaker Andy Zou hangs out for a bit and tells us about an on the job injury! Email us at emergencycontactpodcast@gmail.com if you have a good...
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18 - Crystal Beth

Lifelong friend Crystal Beth (Unlimited Lives) comes by to detail a sports injury and explain the ins and outs of rugby! Email us at emergencycontactp...
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17 - Drew Luster

Drew Luster (Garbage Farts, Red Hot Video Fun Time) stops by the new digs to tell us about his major injury. The maturity level takes a nosedive with ...
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16 - Whitley Watson

We're joined by our dear friend Whitley Watson (Ice Cold Milk, The Hard Times) who shares a childhood injury straight out of Brussels!S.M. on bandcamp...
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15 - Michael Wolf

Who's that handsome voice on the podcast? Why it's Michael Wolf (OSFUG, Nancy, Literati) here to dump a new injury story in our hot little laps! Follo...
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