
Listens: 1


A Health Risk Management Tool focussed on prevention and management of chronic diseases. The Burden of Chronic disease is a global problem. So, there is a growing need to shift from acute care to prevention and self-management. When an individual, with a chronic disease or, are at high risk of getting it (like diabetic or pre-diabetic) goes to a health practitioner, they are given a list of recommendations around food, lifestyle and medication. However, there is no way of ensuring compliance and compliance is critical here. Empeal addresses this gap.

Podcast with Aneta Baraniak

Aneta is a MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and MBCT (Mindfulness Based Compassion Living) Teacher certified by European Institute for Mindfu...
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Podcast with Aneta Baraniak

Aneta is a MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and MBCT (Mindfulness Based Compassion Living) Teacher certified by European Institute for Mindfu...
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Podcast with Liz Gale

Supporting ourselves nutritionally during the Covid 19' Liz Gale is a nutritional therapist specializing in digestive health, autoimmune disorders, di...
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Podcast with Moira Dunne

Finding it difficult to be as productive as before due to remote working?    Our third podcast is with Moira Dunne, a Productive Consultant and co-fou...
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Podcast with Liz Gale

Supporting ourselves nutritionally during the Covid 19' Liz Gale is a nutritional therapist specializing in digestive health, autoimmune disorders, di...
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Podcast with Moira Dunne

Finding it difficult to be as productive as before due to remote working?    Our third podcast is with Moira Dunne, a Productive Consultant and co-fou...
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