Emuna Beams

Listens: 433


Insights of Emuna - pure and complete faith, inner peace and lasting happiness with Rabbi Lazer Brody

One Good Thought

Today's podcast is an emotional rescue squad for anyone who is feeling down, depressed or disappointed, no matter what the reason, with this high-pres...
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Hashem Loves You

Did you ever stop and ponder Hashem's magnificent creation of Planet Earth, with all its wonders like the Northern Lights, the Grand Canyon, Niagara F...
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Daily Centering

A few minutes of daily centering is the key to inner peace, as you'll hear in today's podcast.
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Disconnect and Connect

Maybe you think you're having trouble losing weight because you eat too much, you snack too much or you don't get enough exercise. Surprisingly enough...
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Don't Miss the Train

The reason people are delayed in shidduchim is because of one of two reasons: either their egos get in the way, or they want something that Hashem doe...
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The Tenth Man

Israeli society has been torn apart since the recent election, and the verbal venom and hate legislation in the government and Knesset are unprecedent...
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The Last Laugh

"If we knew that a rare gift was concealed within our difficulties, we could laugh; but with emuna, we start laughing even before we discover the gift...
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